Writing powerful new stories

by harnessing the power of

embodied transformation

To harness the power of embodied transformation is to cultivate the capacity for a new way of be-ing

Change can be hard. Some people take it in their stride. They decide to make a change and move directly to their goal with little deviation or hesitation. Some people are really good at starting something new only to find their best-intentioned efforts grinding to a halt shortly after. Others get off to a good start, manage to maintain progress for a while, but always seem to come up against blocks. Some find that no matter what they do, they just can’t break through these blocks. What’s more, each time they try again and are defeated by the same (or similar) blocks, they feel less and less capable of creating the change they want. Over time, some may even start to expect failure and increasingly doubt their ability to achieve what they want. So they settle for less or give up altogether. But as Elisha Goldstein points out…

If change was easy you would've done so already.

The thing is, we don’t get stuck in old ways of being because we are weak-willed, incapable, misguided, or any of the other perceived failings we like to beat ourselves up for. Rather, we get stuck because that which shapes our way of becoming in the world – that which made us who we are in this moment – is the result of life-long learning that took place through all of us. 

Just like the ink on the paper, the oil on the canvas, and the grooves on the record, the material record of all the learning we acquired across a lifetime of becoming who we are now, is held in our neuro-musculature, cells, and tissues of our bodies. From there, it becomes a powerful force affecting the outcomes we achieve in life by shaping:

The way we think…

The way we speak…

The way we hold ourselves in the presence of others…

How we seek and engage in relationships and intimacy…

The way we perceive the world and our place in it…

What feels right, and safe to us…

When and how we feel worthy and connected…

And, importantly, the goals and choices that feel comfortable and available to us.

That’s why deep, sustainable, personal growth and transformation is fundamentally an embodied process.

Writing brave new stories through our bodies

When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.

Our stories are written through our bodies. Denying this doesn’t stop our story from being written – it just stops us from choosing how it turns out. We can choose to either ‘walk inside our story and own it’ or to ‘stand outside and hustle’ for our sense of power, belonging and dignity. Working through the body allows us to – quite literally – rewrite our stories from within.

In working together, I am committed to helping you write your new story by: