Come Home

an invitation to reclaim a deeply embodied sense of safety, connection, and capacity to thrive in times of constant change and uncertainty

Home is where we feel safe, nurtured, and resourced.
It's the space from which we are able to take on whatever challenges or possibilities life presents us with.
We can learn to cultivate that space within ourselves by connecting with the innate life, wisdom, and intelligence of our body.

After two years of collective pandemic trauma, many of us are near breaking point. Whiplashed from its many twists and turns, the consequences of this unprecedented time of disruption, change, and uncertainty have left us struggling - mentally and emotionally. In the midst of this, we are longing for a ‘re-set’… a 'coming home’ to a more meaningful and authentic way of life. But with no end in sight to the turmoil and chaos all around us, we don't know how.
Join me, Therese Gerber, for this 6-part series on how to move beyond your thinking-brain and allow your sensing, experiencing, and truly re-generative body-brain to guide you home.

When things fall apart around you, you're really left with what you developed inside you.

develop the inner qualities you need to not just survive, but thrive through adversity

Our experience of life, and the outcomes we achieve, is inextricably linked to the qualities we grow within ourselves - the qualities that we come to embody and not just aspire to. In this webinar series you will learn how to purposefully develop and nurture the core 'somatic competencies' that underpin your capacity to:

get powerful, practical tools to support your journey

This highly experiential 6-part series is designed to equip you with the practical knowledge and know-how to develop five essential and highly interconnected somatic competencies – each rooted directly in our biology – that underpin your capacity to experience safety, connection, and agency, especially under pressure.

Meet your EMBODIED Self

Discover the difference between your conceptual self - your self THINKING about itself, and your embodied self - your self EXPERIENCING itself. Learn how to apply this knowledge toward cultivating the INTEGRATED INTELLIGENCE that leads to greater health, maturity, wisdom, and skilful action.

SENSE Yourself

Discover how your body is a "finely tuned social and emotional sense organ" shaped by and, in turn, shaping your life experience. Learn how, beyond your 5 external senses - your ability to create an inner place of safety, connect with your intuition, make good decisions, and a raft of other benefits accrue from a WHOLE-BODY SENSORY PROCESS encompassing ALL THREE CLASSES OF PERCEPTION.

CENTER yourself

Discover how CENTER is a PHYSIOLOGICAL STATE of INNER COHERENCE that supports your ABILITY to stay PRESENT, OPEN, and IN CHOICE under threat. Learn how to practice and develop MUSCLE MEMORY that SUPPORTS CENTER and help overcome habitual, but often unhelpful, threat reactions.


Discover how PRESENCE - the ability to stay deeply and simultaneously connected to the present moment, oneself and another - is the key to coming home to your deepest, truest, most thriving self. Learn the CORE SKILLS and PRACTICES that UNDERPIN this POWERFUL COMPETENCY at the root of SOMATIC INTELLIGENCE.

Take skilful ACTION

Discover how each of us has a UNIQUE NEURO-MUSCULAR 'STRESS SIGNATURE' that quite literally determines our current CAPACITY TO ACT SKILLFULLY and in accordance with our intentions - especially under pressure. Learn how to IDENTIFY YOUR STRESS SIGNATURE and the ways in which it either SERVES or SABOTAGES you. Learn how to 'REWIRE' these patterns toward ones that better serve you.


Discover how RESILIENCE is an EMBODIED RESOURCE and PROTECTIVE FACTOR that can and should be purposefully nurtured for SUSTAINED HEALTH AND WELLBEING. Learn how to identify, appreciate and GROW resources in your MIND, in your BODY, and in the WORLD and meet life FEELING DEEPLY RESOURCED.

what's included in this 6-part series

This structured, and highly experiential 6-part series will provide you with the necessary knowledge, tools, and practices to develop each of the five essential and highly interconnected somatic competencies that underpin your capacity to experience safety, connection, and agency during difficult times and beyond. 
Each fortnight you will receive:

take your first step home today

Therese Gerber profile picture

Hi, I'm Therese and I look forward to helping you ...

Frequently Asked Questions

To make it as easy as possible for you to participate, this series is delivered as recorded sessions that you can watch and refer back to in your own time. The guided practice and Q&A sessions will however be streamed live and is an opportunity to connect and learn together in real-time.

All session recordings, practices, tools, workbooks, etc. will be hosted in Simplero, a learning management system designed to make it easy for you to access and download content from one location. When you sign up, a student account will automatically be created and all necessary instructions sent to you via email.

Live-streamed guided practices and Q&A sessions will be hosted on Zoom. Practice dates and Zoom links will be posted in Simplero. But don’t worry, I’ll send you an email reminder beforehand 🙂

I, along with many others, can vouch for the powerful impact of learning and working with change through the body. If, however, you find that it is not for you and want to cancel within 14 days of the first session, you will receive a full refund of the registration fee.